The only way to get reinstated is repentance BUT very occasionally you can get their chucking you out overturned.
Who in their right mind would want that though?
it has happened somewhere i know.
what is it and what does it mean.
The only way to get reinstated is repentance BUT very occasionally you can get their chucking you out overturned.
Who in their right mind would want that though?
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
You bet!
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
Oh and they've got their favorite angel from page 7 of 2017 WT repeated 6 times.
It's the angel closing the mouths of the lions to protect Daniel. Aww shame they didn't put Daniel in the picture instead, wagging his finger at the GB saying, "you are apostates."
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
I think its a Palace Helper saying, "Brothers the statistics say that, so we build a new KH here."
I just realized, they aren't even looking at the Bible. I bet someone in the KH would say, "oh it's an unrolled scroll." I'd say, "they've got a map out."
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
Hi Petra - wow yes the circle round the GB - and they are being directed by who? Is that shadowy figure another GB member or a Palace Helper?
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
Oh just realized in that 2nd talk the speaker HAS to read
(Revelation 11:15) . . .And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.. . .
To justify the point that supposedly:
Jesus is now the King of God’s heavenly Kingdom
What they are saying is that the 7th trumpet blew in 1914. But the trumpets weren't handed out until 1919. Ooops another little logical anomaly for them to work on. To go with the zillion and one others.
*** re chap. 21 p. 129 par. 1 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***
“And when he [the Lamb] opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour. And I saw the seven angels that stand before God, and seven trumpets were given them.”—Revelation 8:1, 2.
*** re chap. 21 p. 129 par. 2 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***
A significant silence this! Half an hour can seem a long time when you are waiting for something to happen. Now, even the constant heavenly chorus of praise is no longer heard. (Revelation 4:8) Why? John sees the reason in vision: “And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, having a golden incense vessel; and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones upon the golden altar that was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God.”—Revelation 8:3, 4.
*** re chap. 21 p. 130 par. 4 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***
Can we determine when this happened? Yes, we can, by examining the context, together with historical developments early in the Lord’s day. (Revelation 1:10) During 1918 and 1919, events on earth harmonized remarkably with the scenario described at Revelation 8:1-4.
*** re chap. 21 pp. 130-131 par. 5 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***
The sincere Christians of the John class were perplexed. What did God want them to do next? When would they be taken up to heaven? An article entitled “The Harvest Ended—What Shall Follow?” appeared in the May 1, 1919, issue of The Watch Tower. It reflected this state of uncertainty and encouraged the faithful to continued endurance,
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
Hi Menrov
Would have been better if they had put qualified men in quotes.
Optional - Use the art work provided to illustrate the two points that follow
He has appointed qualified men to care for the congregation (Mt 24:45; Eph 4:11,12; jllesson19)
there are a few video clips or short videos that serve to undermine watchtower beliefs and practices.
i'll post one animated one that hits home rather successfully regarding baptism.
there is another one that shows a cartoon jehovah changing his mind again and again about whether or not he will resurrect the people of sodom and surrounding cities.
Problem is what does psychological abuse mean? Just like a GP can carry out malpractice, so a psychiatrist can carry out psychological abuse.
You have freedom of religion and freedom of conscience - these two things can mean the same thing in one sentence, then they mean something different in another. Also your audience can interpret those phrases according to their understanding.
Psychology isn't a exactly a scientific thing. You think of it being such but just as there are different denominations of a faith, so there are different branches of psychology and different values sytems and priorities believed in by psychiatrists.
Some fields of psychology are aimed at getting people to adjust to a loveless corporate system. I think that is what WT is doing.
one might look at the jws in two engaging parts, one part being the activity orchestrated by the top men who create the doctrines which get printed out into many pieces of literature the wts publishes, call it dogma if you will.. the other might be long extenuating rules of conduct of behavior the wts enforces and regulates to its following devoted members in an all out effort to make the organization the most righteous and clean among all other christian based organizations.. the doctrines created by the top leaders of the wts have put forth many doctrines which weren't particularly bible supported, one could even say they were apostate in their expressive originality.. pushing the theology that jesus has returned and has taken to his heavenly throne as of 1914 thereby proclaiming that mankind is living in the last days or "this generation" spoken about in the bible was propagated by the wts for over 100 years now, going as far back as the late 1800's.. there has been a major effort by the organization's leaders from the top down to watch for any behavior by the adjoined members that would ruin the over all righteous image of the organization.
personal appearance is closely watched and monitored, social behavioral activities on various matters are also closely monitored over the avowed members.. there is so much scrutiny going on over the members and critical judgments being imposed on a personal level to the members but what about the very doctrines to which these members are to uphold 100 % less they be punished for openly investigating and being critical of ?.
it seems the men at the top have the control over the doctrines they make and also the power to kick out and condemn anyone who honestly investigates these doctrines to their honesty and viability .
I've just read through this thread and nodded at what everyone has said. All so simple and easy to understand. Then I think about those still believing the Watchtower is God's Organization. They'd not get what has been said.
None so blind as they that won't see.(Jonathan Swift)
(Jeremiah 5:21) “Hear, now, this, O unwise people that is without heart: They have eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears, but they cannot hear.
atlantis posted: 2019--16 leaked videos!.
here is my review after watching the ''roles and responsibilities video''.
the video begins with ''congregation members willingly contribute their money to ''jehovah'' to advance kingdom interests.''.
Can't give all the details - suffice to say a donation was made which was larger than intended. Urgent requests were made to return the money as the one who gave it was in need. As far as I am aware the money has not been returned.
Shame on you Watchtower Society - I second that!